Home Fuel System What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine: Best Recipe For Disaster!

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine: Best Recipe For Disaster!

by Kelvin Yates

The automobile industry is believed to be one of the most advanced. But with all the advancements, one can still ruin the engine of a car. Not only the car specialists or mechanics can ruin the engine of a car through the gas tank. Anyone with bad intentions can. As a car owner, you should know what to put in a gas tank to ruin the engine. It helps to prevent someone from ruining your car engine by simply putting anything other than gasoline in your gas tank.

By placing anything apart from gasoline in the gas tank, anybody can probably ruin the engine. As we have said, anything can ruin and even damage your engine apart from gasoline. There are many ways one can ruin the engine through the gas tank.

Putting water, sugar, salt, some sticky sweet liquid like honey, and more in the gas tank can easily destroy the engine by clogging up the fuel tank. You can also put a few brake fluids, some coke, urine, bleach, and hydrogen peroxide in the gas tank to ruin the engine. These components can surely cause some destruction to your car’s engine.

Putting these components in the gas tank is not good for the engine of your vehicle. But supposing that you want to ruin the engine of your car or any other car through the gas tank, subsequently, you can put some of these components in your gas tank.

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine #1: Water

Water is one of the components to put in your gas tank to ruin your engine. Its presence in the gas tank of a car is an issue that should be addressed immediately. Putting water in the gas tank will certainly ruin the engine of your vehicle.

Water cannot change its volume when pressure is applied to it. If it gets into the cylinders, it can cause the engine of your car to seize, and damage it. A mixture of water and fuel in the gas tank disengages the engine from the engine mount and stops the car from running fast.

Vehicles are always washed with water, however, the engine can still be cleaned without water and so whenever you wash your vehicle, you need to be very careful to avoid water from getting inside the engine. Water can also get into your gas tank either when you fill up the tank from the pump or condensation within your gas tank because of weather.

How Much Water In The Gas Tank Can Ruin The Engine

You may be wondering and want to know the amount of water in the gas tank that can ruin the engine. A full glass of water or even more can damage the engine of your car. Believe it or not, a small amount of water might be a serious issue for your car engine. You should always be aware that water in the gas tank can damage the engine.

Signs Of Water In The Gas Tank

The presence of water in the gas tank causes much damage to the engine of your car. If water happens to be in your gas tank, it can cause engine failure and performance problems. You should expect these signs if there is water in the gas tank.

1. Rough Acceleration

Rough acceleration is one of the most common signs of water in the gas tank. The engine may sometimes think that water is fuel. The mixture of air and fuel will be very strange in the combustion chamber.

2. Idling Problems

Since water is not combustible, it causes the engine to behave irregularly if it enters the gas tank. This is exhibited by idling issues, poor performance, or sputtering.

3. Sudden Decrease In Power

Presuming that you feel the engine losing surges forward as you drive, it might be caused by water that has mixed with fuel. The engine will have a difficult time compressing the water, this will cause a detectable loss or decrease in power.

4. Misfire

You will probably notice a misfire when water enters the combustion chamber of the cylinder. Misfire will let you know that water is in the gas tank.

5. Steam From The Exhaust

When there is water in the combustion chamber, it will probably evaporate causing steam. If you notice that there is a lot of steam that is unusual from the exhaust pipe, then it could be that water is in the gas tank.

6. Check Engine Light

Check engine light indicates a lot of problems with your car. By simply checking the engine, you can tell if water is in the gas tank.

What To Do If Water Is In The Gas Tank

First, it is important to know if there is water in your gas tank. This is because the water in the gas tank can ruin your car’s engine. To fix this, you will need to;

  • Replace The Gas – This is the best and the easiest solution but probably not the cheapest because it leads to a waste of fuel.
  • Displacement – The best way to remove water in the gas tank is by draining all the old gas and refilling the gas tank with new fresh fuel.
  • Get Help From a Professional – A professional will help you know the problem and get a good solution for anything that might happen with your vehicle. A professional mechanic will help you when there is water in your gas tank.

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine #2: Sugar

Sugar is one of the components to put in a gas tank to ruin the engine. In the gas tank, it is undoubtedly not good and can cause problems in the engine. Sugar does not dissolve in gasoline. If sugar is poured into the gas tank, it will settle to the bottom. This means that the sugar will remain in its sublimate state.

Having sugar in the gas tank will require you to clean the filter, fuel pipe, and other engine parts of your vehicle. You should also know that any liquid containing sugar can cause damage to the engine of your car. Examples of sugary liquids are honey and syrup.

Signs Of Sugar In The Gas Tank

Most cars have enough fuel filters which obstruct sugar from getting into the engine. Sufficient sugar in the gas tank can clog the filter and reduce the effectiveness of the system.

Here are the symptoms that your car will exhibit if there is sugar in the gas tank.

1. Engine Stalls

Your vehicle may stall when you try to accelerate if the fuel lines become entirely clogged. Your car may also struggle when idling. When there is sugar in the gas tank then the car may lurch when moving forward or when reversing and immediately stalling after you restart.

2. Power Surges During Acceleration

When sugar is in the gas tank, the granules start to clog the fuel intake lines. The block prevents the standard level of fuel from being used. Thus, there will be random power surges every now and then.

3. Loss Of Engine Power

Fuel would not be able to get into the engine. The fuel supply would be blocked if there was sugar in the gas tank. You will feel your vehicle’s loss of power on the accelerator pedal since the car will start to slow down when you are driving. Rough idling can also occur.

4. The Car Won’t Start

If there is sugar in your car’s gas tank, the engine will completely disconnect and you will not be able to start it since there is no fuel that can reach the engine.

5. Poor Performance

Suppose there is sugar in the gas tank, you will notice that your vehicle’s performance is unusual. This can be caused by sugar clogging up the fuel filters and enough fuel will not be able to get through. As a result, you will start to notice that your car is sluggish when accelerating.

6. Less Fuel Going In The Tank

Suppose it takes a lot less fuel to fill up the gas tank than it could be because there is sugar in the gas tank and you will end up putting less fuel in the tank.

What To Do If Sugar Is In The Gas Tank

Knowing that there is sugar in the gas tank of a car may cause great panic for a car owner. Sugar can cause some issues, however, cleaning out the substance could prevent damage to the car. If there is sugar in your car’s gas tank, then you need to;

  • Replace The Fuel Filter – The sugar will first stop in the fuel filter whose job is to collect solid substances. You should get a mechanic to help you replace the fuel filter immediately.
  • Change Your Fuel Pump – The sugar will settle in the fuel pump if it passes the fuel filter. The fuel pump will need to be replaced with the help of a professional mechanic.
  • Take Your Car To A Mechanic – If the sugar passes both the fuel filter and the fuel pump then it is going to settle in the car’s fuel delivery system. You should then take it to a mechanic who will remove out the gas tank and clean it.

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine #3: Coke

Coke is one of the things to put in a gas tank to ruin the engine. Putting Coca-Cola and other soft drinks in the gas tank can ruin your car’s engine completely. All this depends on the amount of soft drink in the gas tank, a significant amount in the gas tank can ruin the engine. If Coca-Cola is put in the gas tank, it will clog up the engine and ruin it.

When the chemical mixture of Coca-Cola is mixed with the gasoline in a vehicle, it can turn the whole trouble into corrosive silt that may clog up the engine.

What To Do If Coke Is In The Gas Tank

Suppose you notice that there is coke in your gas tank, you need to get a professional mechanic to help you. The mechanic will help you diagnose your car and tell you how much of your engine has been damaged.

If by any chance somebody pours coke in the gas tank, then you will be able to know by the fumes your car exhibits. You should check the exhaust gas or the fuel gas and if it looks neutral, then you should your car’s gas tank.

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine #4: Salt

Salt is one of the components to put in the gas tank to ruin the engine. Too much salt in the gas tank will slowly wear down the base of the gas tank.

When salt and gasoline mix, the salt crystals will slip into the fuel pump and block the fuel filter. If this happens, the engine of your vehicle might not run, and your vehicle might also get hot and it won’t start.

Salt may not fully damage the engine of your car compared to other components but it can cause enormous loss if it enters the gas tank. Salt in the gas tank can cause the engine of your vehicle to lose power and it may also corrode the gas tank. As a result, your engine may not be able to run again. With salt in the gas tank, your car might also start to overheat.

How Much Salt Will Ruin the Engine

The amount of salt to put in the gas tank to ruin the engine is not definite. If a punch of salt is put in the gas tank, it will not have any effect on the car but still putting salt in the gas tank is not advisable. Suppose that a lot of salt is put in the gas tank, it will have a big effect on the engine.

Provided that there is salt in your gas tank, it is advisable to clean your fuel tank. You should drain all the fuel from your gas tank and replace the fuel filter and change the fuel pump. You can also go to a professional mechanic and let them help you remove the salt from your gas tank.

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine #5: Urine

Urine is also one of the components to put in the gas tank to ruin the engine. It only depends on the amount of urine put in the gas tank. A little urine in the gas tank will not damage the engine. But a huge amount of urine in the gas tank is not good for your car’s engine.

Urine damages the engine of the car slowly and if you notice that urine is in the gas tank, then you should clean the gas tank filter and the fuel pump and you will also be required to replace the fuel filter, eventually.

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine #6: Bleach

Bleach is a chemical made of water and chlorine. Driving a car with bleach in the gas tank is dangerous. If there is bleach in the engine part and fuel system, the bleach will wear down and destroy the rubber and metal parts. The effect of bleach in the gas tank will be faster than usual.

By putting bleach in the car gas tank, you can ruin the engine of the car undetected. If bleach stays for a long time inside the engine parts and the fuel system, it will have adequate time to corrode the engine.

How Much Bleach Can Destroy The Engine

To destroy the car engine with bleach, you need to pour the proper or reasonable amount of bleach into the gas tank and drive the car for a long time. You should also pour in the whole gallon or container of bleach in the gas tank.

Supposing that you notice that someone filled your car’s gas tank with bleach, then you should not start the car but in case you have already started the car, then flush the whole fuel system.

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine #7: Wrong Fuel

If you put the wrong fuel in the gas tank, then the chances of your engine getting ruined are too high. Suppose that you notice that you have filled the gas tank with the wrong fuel then don’t start the engine since your car might be at great risk.

Suppose that you put the wrong fuel in the gas tank then you will need to drain out the gas tank and fuel lines with the help of a professional mechanic.

What To Put In Gas Tank To Ruin Engine #8: Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide in the car’s gas tank will amplify the power of the car. It can make it go faster but it can also destroy your car’s engine. It can destroy your car depending on the level of concentration it has on it.

When hydrogen peroxide is mixed with gas, it looks like a nitrous oxide system. The mixture of gas and hydrogen peroxide increases the burn rate and puts the engine at a high temperature.

Your car’s engine burns up and gets destroyed if it gets a boost of power. If you notice that there is hydrogen peroxide in your car’s gas tank then you should stop driving immediately but if you have not started driving then, you should not start your car.

Facts about Ruining a Car’s Engine through the Gas Tank

  1. Pouring anything other than gasoline or diesel into a car’s gas tank can ruin its engine.
  2. Water is one of the leading causes of engine failure as it causes corrosion and rust to the engine’s components.
  3. Sugar can clog up the fuel injection system and scratch the inside of the fuel tank, causing corrosion and leaks.
  4. Salt is highly corrosive and can cause rust and holes in the metal, which can lead to extensive damage to the engine.
  5. Urine is one of the most corrosive liquids that can be put into a gas tank and can cause the engine to run less efficiently.
  6. Coca-Cola and other soft drinks can react with gasoline and clog up the engine, resulting in permanent damage to the engine.
  7. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent that can cause irreversible damage to the engine’s metal and plastic components.
  8. Bleach is also highly corrosive and can cause metal molecules to break down, resulting in engine failure.
  9. Signs of tampering with the gas tank include failure to start, white smoke from the exhaust pipe, strange noises from the engine, and stalling at idle.
  10. If the gas tank is tampered with, it is advised not to drive the vehicle and to contact a mechanic and car insurance company immediately.

What To Put In A Gas Tank To Ruin Engine: In Conclusion…

To destroy the engine undetectably through the gas tank, you can put any liquid in the gas tank secretively. You can also pour water into the gas tank and the engine of the car will be ruined without any evidence left.

A gas tank is one of the essential parts of a car. If you want to ruin the engine of the car through the gas tank, then you need to put anything other than gasoline. This can cause severe damage to the engine of the vehicle.

All the components that have been discussed in this article will probably ruin the engine if put in the gas tank. They should always be taken care of immediately to stop your car’s engine from being fully damaged.

Suppose you notice that any of the components in this article is in your gas tank, you should get a professional mechanic to help you out by fixing the problem since many parts of your car’s engine will need to be replaced.

What To Put In A Gas Tank To Ruin Engine: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some popular frequently asked questions (and their answers) about what to put in a gas tank to ruin an engine…

How to Put Gas in a Car

Putting gas in a car is a simple process. First, pull up to the gas station and position your car so the gas tank is aligned with the pump. Turn off the engine and open the gas cap. Select the type of gas you want to use and insert your credit or debit card into the machine. Once authorized, select the grade of gasoline you wish to use, then take the nozzle and insert it into your gas tank. Press the handle to start pumping gas and release when you have filled your tank to the desired level. Replace the nozzle in its holder, close your gas tank cap, and you’re done.

What Does Sugar Do to Gas Tank

Sugar does not dissolve in gasoline, so when sugar is poured into a gas tank, it will not mix with the fuel. Instead, it will sink to the bottom of the tank and clog up the fuel filter, fuel pump, and fuel injectors, causing the engine to stall or not start at all. Over time, sugar can cause long-term damage to the engine by creating a thick sludge that is difficult to clean.

How Long Does It Take for Diesel to Ruin a Gas Engine

Diesel fuel is thicker and oilier than gasoline, and it does not ignite in a gasoline engine. If diesel is put into a gas engine, the engine may run poorly or not at all. The diesel will clog the fuel injectors and fuel filters. It usually takes only a short period, a few minutes to an hour, of running the engine with diesel fuel to cause significant damage.

How Long Does It Take Sugar to Destroy an Engine

Sugar does not dissolve in gasoline, so it sinks to the bottom of the gas tank and starts clogging the fuel filter, fuel pump, and fuel injectors almost immediately. Depending on the amount of sugar added and how the vehicle is driven, it could take a few minutes to a few hours of driving for the engine to stall or not start at all. However, the long-term damage caused by the sugar, such as thick sludge buildup, may take longer to manifest.

What Happens If Water Gets in Your Gas Tank

Water does not mix with gasoline and is heavier than gas, so it sinks to the bottom of the gas tank. Small amounts of water can be handled by the car’s fuel system and may not cause immediate problems. However, larger amounts of water can cause the engine to misfire, stall, or not start at all. Water can also cause rust to form inside the tank and fuel system, leading to long-term damage.

How to Tell If Gas Is Bad

Bad gasoline will have a sour or stale smell, different from the usual gasoline smell. It may also have a different color, usually darker than fresh gasoline. Other signs of bad gas include poor engine performance, such as the engine running rough, misfiring, or stalling. If you suspect the gas in your car is bad, it is best to have it drained and replaced with fresh gas.

Is Putting Sugar in a Gas Tank a Felony

Yes, putting sugar in someone’s gas tank can be considered a felony. It is a form of vandalism and can cause significant damage to a vehicle’s engine. The exact legal consequences can vary by jurisdiction, but it is generally treated as a serious offense.

How Long Does It Take for Bad Gas to Affect Your Car

Bad gas can affect your car almost immediately. Symptoms of bad gas include the engine running rough, misfiring, stalling, or a decrease in fuel efficiency. If you suspect you have bad gas in your tank, it is best to have it drained and replaced with fresh gas as soon as possible. The longer you drive with bad gas, the more damage it can cause to your engine.

How Much Water in a Gas Tank Will Ruin a Car

Even a small amount of water, like a gallon, in a gas tank can cause problems for your engine. Water does not combust, so it can cause misfires, and it can also rust the fuel system components. However, most modern cars have a water separator in the fuel system that can handle small amounts of water. But if there is a significant amount of water, say half a gallon or more, it can cause the engine to stall or not start at all.

What Happens If You Put Too Much Gas in Your Car

Overfilling your gas tank can cause several problems. First, it can cause gas to spill out, which is a fire hazard. Second, it can cause the vapor recovery system, a system designed to capture gasoline vapors and prevent them from escaping into the atmosphere, to malfunction. This can lead to poor fuel economy and increased emissions.

How to Pour Gas From a Gas Can

To pour gas from a gas can, first make sure the engine is turned off and that you are away from any open flames or sources of ignition. Remove the cap from the gas tank and the gas can. Insert the nozzle of the gas can into the gas tank and tip the can gently to start pouring the gas. Pour slowly to avoid spills and stop pouring when the gas tank is full or the gas can is empty. Replace the caps on the gas tank and the gas can.

How Much Bleach in Gas Tank to Ruin Car

It does not take much bleach to ruin a car’s engine. As little as a cup of bleach can cause significant damage. Bleach is corrosive and can cause rust and corrosion in the fuel system. It can also cause the fuel to combust improperly, leading to engine damage.

How to Get Sugar Out of Gas Tank

To remove sugar from a gas tank, the best course of action is to remove the tank from the vehicle and clean it thoroughly. Drain all the fuel from the tank and wash the inside of the tank with hot water and soap. Rinse the tank thoroughly and let it dry completely before reinstalling it and adding fresh fuel.

How Would You Know if Someone Put Sugar in Your Gas Tank

If someone has put sugar in your gas tank, you may notice a few signs. First, the engine may not start, or it may stall while you are driving. Second, you may notice a reduction in fuel efficiency. Third, the fuel filter and fuel injectors may become clogged. If you suspect someone has put sugar in your gas tank, it is best to have a mechanic inspect your vehicle.

What Happens When You Try to Start a Car With No Gas

When you try to start a car with no gas, the engine will crank, but it will not start. The starter motor will turn the engine over, but without fuel, there will be no combustion, and the engine will not run. It is important not to keep trying to start the car as it can drain the battery and cause unnecessary wear on the starter motor.

Is It Bad to Top Off Your Gas Tank

Yes, it is bad to top off your gas tank. Topping off can lead to overfilling, which can cause gas to spill out and can also damage the vapor recovery system. This system is designed to capture gasoline vapors and prevent them from escaping into the atmosphere. Damaging this system can lead to poor fuel economy and increased emissions.

Can I Drive Without a Gas Cap

It is not recommended to drive without a gas cap. The gas cap helps to maintain the pressure in the fuel system and prevents gasoline vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. Driving without a gas cap can lead to reduced fuel efficiency and increased emissions.

Will Gas in Oil Harm Engine

Yes, gas in the oil can harm your engine. Gasoline can dilute the oil, reducing its lubricating properties and increasing the wear and tear on the engine. It can also cause the oil to break down more quickly, leading to increased sludge and varnish in the engine. If you suspect there is gas in your oil, it is important to change the oil and oil filter as soon as possible.

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Bodie Murr April 29, 2022 - 7:07 am

Are you guys serious thanks for the tips

Cornhole Bob June 17, 2022 - 11:02 pm

Yes, putting oil in the gas tank will surely, magically, transport it to the crankcase and oil pan. And clogging fuel filters is exactly the same as ruining an engine. Yep. Bunch of geniuses over here.

Dum Bass December 13, 2022 - 11:26 am

No doubt. Thank god I had read this because I have a check engine light on my dash. Now I know forsure theres water in the tank!


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